OSHA now predicts that, by the end of this summer, businesses will see three new or revised regulations.
That’s part of the take-away from the recent release of the federal government’s spring 2015 Regulatory Agenda.
One new regulation was released since last fall’s update: Confined Spaces in Construction.
Two items on the list of just-about-finished regs are still there, in addition to one more:
- Walking and Working Surfaces and Personal Fall Protection Systems (Slips, Trips and Fall Prevention): OSHA says it’ll release this reg in final form in August 2015. It’s been languishing in the rulemaking process since 1990.
- Improve Tracking of Workplace Injuries and Illnesses: final rule in September 2015. This rule would require larger employers to submit electronic versions of their injury and illness logs and make these records public.
- Update eye and face protection based on national consensus standards: final rule imminent.
Regs in the proposed rule stage include:
- Occupational exposure to silica: This would lower the exposure rate allowed. A notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) was issued in September 2013. OSHA says it expects to complete analysis of comments from public hearings in June 2015. OSHA administrator David Michaels says enacting the revisions to the silica standard is one of his top priorities.
- Occupational exposure to beryllium: An NPRM is expected soon. Washington insiders have predicted that this reg could be finalized before the end of the current administration’s term in January 2017.
- Clarification of employer’s continuing obligation to make and maintain accurate records of each recordable injury and illness: This rule would clarify that the obligation to keep these records is ongoing. An NPRM is expected soon.
Regs still in the prerule stage:
- Revision of the bloodborne pathogens standard: OSHA expects to issue findings from comments received in September 2015.
- Combustible dust standard: OSHA expects to start a small business (SBREFA) review in February 2016.
- Chemical management and permissible exposure limits: The comment period on this proposal has been extended to Oct. 9, 2015.
- Process safety management and prevention of major chemical accidents: A SBREFA review is expected to start in June 2015.
- Communication tower safety: A request for information period will end June 15, 2015.