We asked, and you told us. What did your peers have to say about workplace safety in 2019? See the results of the exclusive Safety News Alert survey.
- How long have you overseen safety at your facility?
Less than one year: 13%
1-5 years: 44%
6-10 years: 16%
More than 10 years: 27% - Is your job exclusively safety, or do you also have other responsibilities?
All safety: 17%
Safety and other duties: 83% - Do employees at your facility use self-guided safety training (training they take alone at a computer)?
Yes: 40%
No: 60% - How often do you use safety training videos?
Every safety training session: 11%
More than half of safety training sessions: 28%
Less than half of safety training sessions: 45%
Never: 16% - How often do workers attend safety training at your facility?
We have daily, short safety training sessions: 11%
Once a week: 20%
Once a month: 33%
Less than once a month: 36% - What grade would you give physical plant safety conditions at your facility?
A: 20%
B: 56%
C: 20%
D: 3%
F: 1% - Do you provide transportation safety training for your employees?
Yes, because it’s required by law: 22%
Yes, but it’s not required by law: 37%
No: 41% - In the last year, has the injury rate at your facility:
Decreased: 40%
Increased: 9%
Stayed the same: 51% - How likely are employees at your facility to come to you with safety concerns?
Very likely: 51%
Somewhat likely: 41%
Unlikely: 7%
They never do: 1% - How many people are there on your safety committee?
More than 10: 25%
5-9: 35%
2-4: 18%
We don’t have a safety committee: 22%
The results are based on 179 responses.