Ergonomic injuries can be reduced – and this guide shows how
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Reducing Ergonomic Injuries
Ergonomic injuries are expensive. U.S. employers pay about $20 billion a year in direct workers’ compensation costs for musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). Total costs are estimated to be between $45-54 billion.
Total lost days due to MSDs average out to over 2 full days for each full-time worker in the U.S.
Use this guide to reduce ergonomic injuries in your workplace.
Learn effective techniques and proven strategies on how to transform your workplace to prevent injuries, eliminate potential hazards and get worker buy-in to cut down on injuries.
What's Inside?
Reducing Ergonomic Injuries
Transforming your workplace to prevent injuries
- Proven ways to reduce ergo-related injuries at your workplace
- Misleading myths: Ergonomic fixes that don't work
- Criteria to consider before changing a single thing
- 3 types of improvements you can start making today
Eliminating threats so employees don't get injured in the first place
- 6 ways to get employees involved in cutting down on injuries
- 5 major factors causing ergonomic issues at your workplace
- Situations when the risk of ergonomic injury is amplified
- Cover ups don't pay: How companies are getting busted
- Conditions when repetitive motions are the most harmful
- Awkward postures employees should avoid
Creating the most impact with any amount of resources
- 3 steps workers can take to help eliminate MSDs
- Common goals of top safety pros: Are you meeting them?
- Devising light-duty programs that don't re-aggravate injuries
- 3 kinds of PPE that will help prevent ergo hazards
- Determining whether your changes are working
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