There’s a lot of information out there on the coronavirus – unfortunately, some of it not accurate. Here’s a resource with all the basics.
Download the Safety News Alert Infographic, Fast Facts on Coronavirus (COVID-19) here.

Need more information?
Here are webinars from Premier Learning Solutions on COVID-19:
COVID-19 & Crisis Management: 7 Actions to Apply For Businesses of All Kinds – Every business differs, but the impacts of COVD-19 are bringing us all onto the same page with its implications. In our dynamic 75-minute event, we cover the top issues companies are currently facing, while providing tools to minimize the impact and keep your business moving. Click here for more information.
Coronavirus & Remote Work: Pivoting from Bricks to Clicks. Get the tools and information you need to help your organization make the leap from having employees work in the office to working remotely from home. Minimize downtime, anxiety and productivity loss. Click here for more information.