Identify safety challenges lone workers face and reduce or eliminate those risks
Read this Essential Insights now

Working Alone: Dumb and Deadly Mistakes Employees Make
It's every safety manager’s concern.
They've been through all the necessary safety training, but lone workers head into each situation with a different mindset – and that’s almost impossible to prepare for.
How can you ensure employees are following safety policies when working alone?
Fortunately, there are methods you can use to understand what goes through lone workers’ minds to make it much more likely they will adhere to your safety policies – even when no one else is around.
And this Essential Insights is where to start.
It not only details the often-deadly mistakes lone workers can make, but also gives you actionable tactics to reduce or eliminate the risk of poor decisions and ensure workers’ safety in the future.
What's Inside?
Working Alone: Dumb and Deadly Mistakes Employees Make
Ensure Safety When No One Else is Around
- 8 real-life incident scenarios
- Understanding what affects a person's risk tolerance
- 7 hazards any risk assessment should look out for
- 5 bonus tips for keeping lone workers safe
- 3 ways supervisors can shift workers’ context and risk tolerance
Be Confident in Your Lone Workers' Safety
- Clear definitions of OSHA regulations
- 3 contributing factors to a person's salience
- How the SHIFT training program can save lives and money
- Monitoring and Communication: the most important parts of lone worker safety
Eliminate Lone Worker Safety Challenges in 30 Minutes
- Put it in writing! Documentation matters
- 6 topics all lone worker training should cover
- Specific information every worker needs in an emergency
- 6 safety resource links for extra guidance
- Keep lone workers safe, even when no one else is around.
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"It cuts to the chase and get to the point. It has excellent content and explanation of topics."
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Risk Manager, AOL Time Warner
"Above Expectations"
"It's above expectations. An excellent source for any OSHA safety program."
Roy. Spittle,
Founder, Taormina Electrical

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But I'm confident you won't need to.
To your success,
Curt Brown