Terminating employees and workplace violence; ignoring OSHA could lead to IRS involvement; the relationship between OSHA’s budget and workplace fatalities; managing by walking around still works; and a photo that shows workers don’t always heed the words on their T-shirts. All in this week’s Safety News Summary.
Workplace violence made the headlines again with the shooting outside the Empire State Building in New York City. Free Enterprise, FindLaw’s small business law blog, has 6 steps every employer should consider before terminating an employee.
What happens when a business ignores OSHA fines? Expect the IRS to get involved.
The blog Compliance and Safety has an infographic showing the relationship between OSHA’s budget and workplace fatalities.
Management By Walking Around has been around for 30 years. What’s equally amazing if that it’s survived the test of time and remains an extremely effective technique.
Finally, here’s one of those popular Internet photos showing how not to perform a job safely. This one has a twist: Check out the T-shirt on the worker to the right.
See something safety-related on the Web that you think it worth sharing with other occupational safety pros? Let us know about it, and we’ll pass it along in an upcoming Safety News Summary.