On-the-job overdose deaths in the U.S. have increased 536% since 2011, making this kind of fatality a very real concern for employers.
To help combat this alarming trend, the National Safety Council (NSC) launched a new workplace safety program, the Respond Ready Workplace.
The program was designed to increase awareness of the need for naloxone in the workplace and ensure that people are trained to use it.
“The opioid crisis has reached every corner of society, affecting workers in all industries and occupations,” said Lorraine Martin, NSC president and CEO. “By equipping workplaces with naloxone and the knowledge to use it, we can make a tangible difference in saving lives, from the workplace to anyplace.”
Highlights of the program include:
- advocacy and education to help employers understand the “tragic data on the increasing fatalities in the workplace”
- employee training with comprehensive educational resources so employees know how to properly administer naloxone in emergency situations, and
- a guide for employers on how to obtain and incorporate medications like naloxone into workplace first aid kits or other accessible locations.
For more information on the Respond Ready Workplace program, click here.