Oregon OSHA rescinded its COVID-19 Workplace Requirements for All Workplaces effective April 3, 2023.
This is “in alignment with updated public health guidance from the Oregon Health Authority (OHA),” according to the state safety agency.
This also applies to the Requirements for Employer-Provided Labor Housing.
Official rulemaking on these changes will be published “in the coming days to achieve these modifications.”
Employees still allowed to wear facial coverings
During discussions between Oregon OSHA and OHA, there was a desire to allow workers to continue to wear facial coverings if they choose. In response, Oregon OSHA will adopt a rule under its work clothing provisions that would allow workers to wear facial coverings unless doing so exposes them to a hazard.
If an employer requires continued use of facial coverings in the workplace, they will be required to supply them at no cost to the employee.
These additions under the work clothing provisions wouldn’t “be unique to COVID-19 and would apply to other reasons an employer or employee would choose to use facial coverings.”
COVID tests at employer cost no longer a requirement
Provisions requiring employers to cover costs associated with COVID-19 testing will no longer be in place as an Oregon OSHA requirement.
Instead, this would fall under “the existing protections provided through the Bureau of Labor and Industries rules.”
Agency still working on improvements to worker housing rules
Oregon OSHA will continue to meet monthly with members of the Agriculture Labor Housing Advisory Committee in an effort to make permanent improvements to the state agency’s employer-provided labor housing rules.
The committee’s discussions will include consideration of infectious disease prevention, control and response as part of a possible rule proposal.