Benchmarking Your Contractor’s Safety
Compliant Contractor Management for Reduced Costs and Increased Wellbeing
Non-fatal workplace injuries result in almost $60 billion in workers compensation costs every year. That’s more than $1 billion out of employer’s pockets for what are often avoidable incidents.
With the popularity and accessibility of contracting workers, contractors account for a large quantity of these injuries and incidents.
That means that between the frequency of workplace incidents and the number of contract workers – contractor safety, compliance, and management are a huge piece of the puzzle.
Federal compliance mandates require companies to ensure contractor safety and increasing stringency around personnel safety regulations, both internal and external, have created pressure to make contractor safety more accessible, trackable, and manageable.
Avetta is offering a new whitepaper on the strategies, insights, and tools you need to keep your contracted workers safer.
This resource covers:
- A six-level maturity model that identifies the organization’s approach towards worker safety and highlights best practices
- Steps to take for a top-notch contractor management program
- Ways to identify blindspots and risks within your current approach to contractor safety
- Methodologies to ensure compliance, reduce incidents, and avoid costly incidents for contractors
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