5 Steps to Help Prevent Ergonommic Injuries
Use this guide to dramatically reduce the likelihood of ergonomic injuries in your workplace
34% of lost workday injuries and illnesses are attributed to musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) and they account for ⅓ of all workers comp costs. .
And yet, ergonomic injuries are among the most preventable in the workplace.
So what gives?
The key to preventing ergonomic injuries is two-fold – having the right plan in place and ensuring it’s being followed. But far too many companies fall short on one or both measures and preventable injuries occur.
Use 5 Steps to Help Prevent Ergonomic Injuries to dramatically reduce the likelihood of ergonomic injuries in your workplace and discover:
- Tactics you can use to get workers to report any signs of MSD symptoms BEFORE serious injuries develop
- The first day must-do for new employees that pays dividends for years
- A team approach to the hierarchy of hazard controls that gets results
- How one company got managers to encourage workers to do MORE ergonomic assessments – and look forward to them
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