Wednesday, November 17th, 2021 | Choose your preferred time
Develop An Effective Respiratory Protection Program
Pass OSHA’s new Covid-19 standards for PEL’s
Respiratory protection is one of the most cited OSHA violations in both 2020 and 2021.
That comes with no shock, considering they tightened their guidelines in response to the pandemic last year.
Now that permissible exposure limits (PELs) are a key focus point to OSHA, it’s important to double-check that your respiratory protection efforts are in compliance with these stricter regulatory requirements.
Join us on November 17th for a free webinar to level up your written respiratory program for a safer workplace.
You’ll also learn:
- How often you should conduct training and retraining to protect at-risk employees
- The best practices for monitoring Grade-D breathing air quality and how to meet the requirements
- How to identify an airborne contaminant in the workplace before it causes a catastrophe
- A proven approach to determine which fit testing option best fits your company’s needs
- How to select respirators and cartridges that ACTUALLY protect your employees
About the Speaker:
Jack Fearing, CPEA, is the Managing Partner for Fearing International Group LLC which is a Department of Defense (DOD) approved Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB). He has more than 35 years of experience in occupational safety & health management in both general industry and construction and consulting for Fortune 500 corporations.
- His experience includes EHS Director for a global defense contractor, an audit program director for multi-national manufacturing company and audit team leader for a leading pharmaceutical company.
- He is a certified Health & Safety auditor, an OSHA-authorized 10/30-hour General Industry instructor, and a professional member of the American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP). He is a graduate of the University of Massachusetts and Boston University. He is retired US Army LT Colonel, Senior Army Aviator and Aviation Safety Officer.
- Jack is an accomplished speaker and author and has been published in “CoatingsPro”, “Today’s Facility Manager”, “Facility Safety Management,” and various American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP) professional journals on numerous safety topics. He is a frequent speaker and trainer for local, regional and international venues.
Can’t attend the webinar live? Sign up anyway and we’ll send you the recording when the event is over.
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