Through Nov. 12, 2020, federal OSHA has issued a total of 232 coronavirus-related citations, with fines totaling $3,148,452.
OSHA previously announced citations from 203 inspections, and this recent update adds 29 more, including:
- Senior Philanthropy of Milford B LLC in Illinois and East Longmeadow Management Systems of Massachusetts hit with the highest initial penalty of $23,133
- the second highest fine, $17,543, at Southwood at Norwell Nursing Center LP in Massachusetts, and
- the lowest fine, $1,082, going to Menorah Home and Hospital for the Aged and Infirm in Brooklyn, NY.
As with previous versions of this list released by OSHA, healthcare facilities make up the majority of facilities cited by the agency.
This latest batch of inspections resulted in fines totaling $269,919 relating to citations for failure to:
- implement a written respiratory protection program
- provide a medical evaluation, respirator fit test, or training on the proper use of a respirator and PPE
- report an injury, illness or death
- record an injury or illness on OSHA forms, and
- comply with the General Duty Clause.
Click here for OSHA’s COVID-19 webpage to help employers comply with these standards.